Build an AI Sales Agent for your hotel in seconds!

HotelSmart instantly resolves 98% of guest inquiries across WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger.

The result? More direct bookings, reduced support costs, and happier, more satisfied guests.

AI-driven management system for hospitality

Increase Direct Bookings

  • Effortlessly showcase your room rates and availability directly through WhatsApp and Instagram.

  • Engage with guests automatically using an advanced CRM system that sends timely follow-ups and smart nudges.

Auto-resolve 98%+ of questions with AI

  • Leverage Conversational AI to handle questions seamlessly and ensure no message goes unanswered.

  • Efficiently manage every guest interaction from one convenient dashboard.

Reduce support costs by 90%+

  • Streamline operations by automating routine work.

    Empower Staff to Address High-Priority Guest Needs

  • Allow your team to concentrate on delivering exceptional service to guests.

Increase Positive Reviews

  • Seamlessly send messages throughout each stage of travel with automation.

  • Consistently deliver exceptional service with automated, personalized communication.

HotelSmart is powered by leading AI models.

Embrace cutting-edge technologies to drive growth, enhance customer experience, and stay ahead of the competition.

  • OpenAI ChatGPT

  • Meta Llama

  • Google Gemini

  • Anthropic Claude

  • and more...

Flexible Pricing Options to Suit Your Needs

Tailored Pricing for Your Business Needs


Get started with our affordable Starter plan, perfect for small businesses.



  • Instagram and Messenger Conversational AI

  • Website Chat Bot

  • Direct Booking Link

  • Integrated Calendar

  • Conversations Inbox

  • Access to CRM


Limitless access and premium features in our all-inclusive plan.



  • Everything In Starter +

  • Social Planner with 1000+ Templates

  • Team CRM Training

  • WhatsApp Conversational AI

  • Priority Support

Pro Plan

Get started with our affordable Starter plan, perfect for small businesses.



  • Everything In Unlimited+

  • Complete Website Package

  • Dedicated Success Manager

  • Advanced CRM Features

  • Monthly Performance Reports

  • and more...

Find the Perfect Plan for Your Business

Explore transparent pricing options, feature breakdowns, and select the best value for your investment.


  • Instagram and Messenger Conversational AI

  • Website Chat Bot

  • Direct Booking Link

  • Integrated Calendar

  • Conversations Inbox

  • Access to CRM

  • Social Planner (1000+ templates)

  • Team CRM Training

  • WhatsApp Conversational AI

  • Priority Support

  • Complete Website Package

  • Advanced CRM Features

  • Dedicated Success Manager

  • Monthly Performance Reports


  • Instagram and Messenger Conversational AI

  • Website Chat Bot

  • Direct Booking Link

  • Integrated Calendar

  • Conversations Inbox

  • Access to CRM

  • Social Planner (1000+ templates)

  • Team CRM Training

  • WhatsApp Conversational AI

  • Priority Support

  • Complete Website Package

  • Advanced CRM Features

  • Dedicated Success Manager

  • Monthly Performance Reports

Pro Plan

  • Instagram and Messenger Conversational AI

  • Website Chat Bot

  • Direct Booking Link

  • Integrated Calendar

  • Conversations inbox

  • Access to CRM

  • Social Planner (1000+ templates)

  • Team CRM Training

  • WhatsApp Conversational AI

  • Priority Support

  • Complete Website Package

  • Advanced CRM Features

  • Dedicated Success Manager

  • Monthly Performance Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

What is HotelSmart, and how does it benefit my hotel?

HotelSmart is an AI-powered operating system designed specifically for the hospitality industry. It automates guest interactions on platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, allowing you to handle 98% of guest inquiries in real-time. This leads to more direct bookings, reduced support costs, and happier guests.

How does the AI work on social media platforms?

Our AI integrates seamlessly with your hotel's social media accounts, automatically responding to guest inquiries with personalized and relevant information. It can handle bookings, provide instant support, and manage guest communications, all while maintaining a consistent brand voice.

What if I need help setting up the system?

We offer comprehensive support to ensure a smooth setup. Depending on your plan, you can receive detailed guides, training sessions for your team, or even a dedicated Success Manager to assist with every step of the process.

Can I customize the AI to fit my hotel’s unique needs?

Yes, HotelSmart is highly customizable. You can tailor the AI responses, booking processes, and even the appearance of your direct booking link to match your hotel’s brand and operational preferences.

What happens if I already have a website?

If you already have a website, we can integrate our AI system with it to enhance its capabilities. Our top-tier plan also includes a complete website redesign if you prefer to have a site built from the ground up, optimized for direct bookings and guest engagement.

How secure is the data collected through HotelSmart?

We prioritize data security and compliance with all relevant regulations. HotelSmart uses advanced encryption protocols to protect guest data, ensuring that all information is securely stored and managed in accordance with industry standards.

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+1 443-953-0366

+1 833-359-4833